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Suppliers will see a variety of buyers from different channels of trade throughout a typical Virtual Program. Some of our specialty retailers and large chains with larger volume or special merchandising requirements may opt out of seeing suppliers that they feel are not appropriate for their business. It is important to complete the profile information requested at the time of registration so that these retailers may determine if you have the potential to supply them.
View cancellation policy

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - Thursday, October 17, 2024
Sold Out Buyer Registration
No Registration Fee
Sold Out Seller Planning Session
$4,000 USD
Sold Out Seller Innovation Pipeline
$3,000 USD
Company Information
Please enter complete information for the company that will be participating in this virtual program.
Please provide a brief overview of your company and general business facts and capabilities. Each company you meet with will have access to your profile before the meetings begin.
Category Ranking:
Please rank the categories you will be presenting in order of the priority (i.e. 1, 2, 3 or leave blank if not presenting). An accurate category ranking is one of the most important parts of the program. We use your category ranking to tailor your meeting schedule so that your only meet with the companies within your category focus. Do not rank categories that you are not presenting.
Canned Foods
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa
Condiments & Dressing
Dry/Boxed Foods
Sauces & Spreads
Preparation Contact
Please enter complete information for the person we should contact for program preparation and participation details.
Attendee Information
Please enter the contact information for each person participating in the program. Add attendee
Attendee 1:
Attendee 2: