Q&A: Art Rowe-Cerveny - Vice President of Marketing, PharmaCare US 10/6/2020
PharmaCare was founded in 1985 in Sydney Australia with a mission to find unloved brands and opportunities and grow them. PharmaCare US was formed in 2009 with the acquisition of the Real Health and Sambucol brands in the United States. Their values are simple: Family. Health. Wellness.
Pharmacare is dedicated to enriching people’s lives through health and wellness, working together as a team, in an environment of trust. At the heart of any healthy work culture are positive relationships built on trust, pride, inclusion, satisfaction, and enjoyment. Creating this positive work-culture isn’t just talk. Pharmacare balances between WORK, FAMILY and HEALTH - fundamental pillars to their core foundations. Pharmacare’s brands and lifestyle are built around supporting this in every way. As a family-owned business with family values, the importance of family is understood and celebrated. It is these values that drive the culture.
ECRM spoke with Art Rowe-Cerveny, PharmaCare's Vice President of Marketing about the company, it’s products and how it’s working with retailers to serve it’s consumers. They will be participating in this month's Vitamin, Weight Management & Sports Nutrition Virtual Session.
ECRM: Describe some of your key products, and the consumer markets that you target.
Rowe-Cerveny: PharmaCare US is home to the Sambucol Black Elderberry, Real Health Labs, and Promensil Menopause Support brands.
Sambucol is the original category creating and best selling Black Elderberry extract. It provides strong immune system support to help you and your family stay healthy throughout the year. Sambucol Black Elderberry extract is a great tasting syrup that conveniently arms you with some of the best protection nature has to offer.
Real Health Labs: Since 1994 Real Health has worked to provide solutions to improve the health and well-being of our customers. We strive to offer only high quality all-natural solutions to address both the specific and general health needs of you and your family.
ECRM: What is your company/products' "wow" factor?
Rowe-Cerveny: Sambucol created the Black Elderberry category, growing a micro niche small part of the cough cold aisle into a $250+ Million-dollar category. We literally spent 10 years building the category, educating on the benefits of elderberry.
ECRM: How do you support the success of those buyers/category managers with which you work?
Rowe-Cerveny: We work as closely as possible to align all media to promotions and social media engagement to drive customers into the aisle.
ECRM: What trends are you seeing in the particular categories you cover?
Rowe-Cerveny: There is a growing generational shift happening in our categories, forcing a lot of changes in both communication and product development. The millennial consumer is much more aware of what they are putting in their bodies and is far less reliant on authority as the trusted adviser. Additionally, Gen X is replacing the Baby Boomers as the older buying generation, and the conversation with them is far different as well.
ECRM: How has COVID impacted your business, and how have you adapted to the challenges?
Rowe-Cerveny: COVID was basically lightning in a bottle. As a natural immune support product, our sales in March were 5x the highest peak we had seen previously, and the demand has not slowed. We have worked diligently through the supply chain to ensure maximum production without sacrificing quality, as the massive increase in demand for elderberry has brought some adulteration and quality concerns to bear. Going forward we are well set up to continue to service this demand.
ECRM: Where are your products currently distributed?
Rowe-Cerveny: Our Sambucol brand is well ranged, with several SKUs in almost all Food Drug and Mass retailers, as well as many independent pharmacies and health food/specialty retail stores.
ECRM: How do you see your category evolving over the next few years?
Rowe-Cerveny: COVID essentially forced changes that were 2-5 years out and fast forwarded them to now. There will eventually be a reckoning as consumers vote out the me-too products created to take advantage of the immunity trend. Ultimately we believe the elderberry immune category can rival the Vitamin C market in size in the not too distant future.
ECRM: What's the best way for buyers to contact you?
Rowe-Cerveny: Sales@pharmacareus.com or 858-997-1156 x509
Editor's note: This Q&A is a sponsored post

Craig can be reached at +1 440 528-0445